Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Chapter 1: Intro to The Christian In the Pit

Allow me to introduce you to the Christian in the pit. Christian in the pit seems religiously normal by most's standards. She received Jesus Christ as her Savior at a very early age. In fact, she cannot remember not being "saved". Brought up in church, attendance of every service was assumed, not mandated. The Sunday School class, children's church, and youth group were her childhood peers. In fact, these were pretty much her only peers at this stage of life, since she also attended her church's tiny Christian school. This ready made group of kids made it easy for her to have a social life. She rarely, if ever, had to "put her self out there" to meet new people. With the church and small school, the friends came to her.

Christian in the pit memorized tons of Bible verses, as was the school's requirement. Through Sunday School, her knowledge of great Bible stories and their heroes was more than respectable. Christian in the pit grew up around prayer and knew how to pray herself, when needed. She was even gifted in praying for others and as such, was very comfortable to do so.

At an early age, Christian in the pit discovered the possession of a certain measure of leadership skills. She also soon found joy in leading Bible studies. Great satisfaction came from preparing, delivering, and discussing God's Word. She volunteered to teach the young adult Sunday School class, she led a women's neighborhood Bible Study, she even spoke at a few retreats and preached in the main sanctuary a time or two. She now recalls the conscience and deliberate thought, "It's a good thing I have people dependent on me to deliver a lesson, this keeps me in God's Word. Staying in the Word is crucial to 'staying close' to God. I wonder if I would be this disciplined without this level of accountability?"

And with that thought, the enemy of her soul turned the first shovel in the preparation of a very calculated pit, uniquely designed specifically for her.

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